Prepared by:
Mohammad Afif Fahim
Bin Hairani
Prepared by:
Miss Nor Shahida Bt
Mohd Zubir
Table of Contents
First of all, I would like to take this
opportunity to say a lot of thanks to my Miss Nor Shahida for guiding me to
complete this project in usability evaluation of a device such as e-kiosk
machine at Mydin Meru shopping mall. Therefore, she also give a lot of guidance
and advices regarding to this project. Other than that, she gives a lot of tips
to me to ensure the smoothness of completing the project. Thus, the project
could be completed smoothly without any disruption by the time given.
After that, a lot of thanks to all
friends for supporting me and give a few ideas regarding to complete the
project. Besides, I also would like to thanks to all my respondents because they
give a good cooperation during answering the questionnaire session.
This task probably key assignment which is compulsory
assignment in Designing for Usability 2 for student in Bachelor of Science
Computer in Multimedia Computing at Kolej Polytech Mara Ipoh. In this subject Designing
for Usability 2, it consists of a key assignment task and must be completed
individually by the students. First step, the student needs to find anything or
devices which related to computing and they must evaluate that devices based on
Jakob Nielsen heuristic evaluation. In this task, e-kiosk machine at Mydin Meru
mall was chose as a device for evaluation process. This kind of machine quite popular
and familiar among the peoples who like to go for shopping caused by its
location in most of the shopping mall around the country. Most of the people
who are new to shopping mall, they tend to use this device as a reference
before they go for shopping. After the e-kiosk machine was chose, the students
must prepare a set of questionnaires and distribute them to the random
respondents. After that, students need to evaluate and analyze every questions
and do the report based on the statistics that being collected. Below, the
figure indicates the e-kiosk machine was using by random people.
2.0: E-Kiosk Machine at
Mydin Meru Mall
There are many ways to carry out the
data collection which are through the direct observation which is the student
need to observe the user use the machine in 1 or 2 hours. Through this way, the
student can record a video of the people who use the e-kiosk machine. The
purpose of recording the video is to record the behaviors or actions made by
the user during interacting with the e-kiosk machine. Furthermore, interviews is
another way of methodology which is ask the people directly also in verbal mode
and it could be spontaneous or in formal. To implement this method, a simple
question should be prepared to enhance the interviews session. After that,
questionnaires which is a set of question related to the device that being used
and was distribute to the random respondents and so on. For this key assignment,
the techniques that being used is quantitative evaluation. A quantitative
evaluation is a form of statistical assessment which have been used to a
project that need to implement. The collected data is used as a reference to do
the analysis. It can be expressed in numbers such as pie chart or other chart
and it is depending on the presentation style. So, quantitative is the best way
to use to obtain a specific data.
The type of quantitative evaluation which
has been chose is questionnaire. Questionnaire is a written set of questions
that are given to people in order to collect all the feedbacks and their
opinions about something either written or printed questionnaire often with
spaces for answers such as tick (X) in the box. In other words, questionnaire
is a list of way of research or survey questions which is designed to extract the
obtained information. It offer four basic purposes which is to collect the suitable
data or information made by respondent, make data easy to compare, also minimize
formulating and asking questions.
By producing a good questionnaire, the
evaluation looks clearer and ease the process of collecting the data and
information. However, the poor questionnaire will make the analysis process
more difficult and make the respondent less – understanding towards the set of
questions. Therefore, quantitative data can be analyzed in many kind of ways
and it is helpful in evaluation’s phase because the result is easy to
understand by all the people in different level. Besides, this kind of way had
being used by a lot of analyzer out there.
The only one theory that being used in
completing this key assignment is a Heuristic Evaluation which introduced by a
person named Jakob Nielsen. A heuristic evaluation is a usability engineering
method for finding the usability problems in a user interface design so that
they can be applied to as part of an iterative design process. Based on the experience,
the people finds different usability problem in different evaluation factors. Therefore,
it is possible to improve the effectiveness of the method significantly by
including a few or more evaluators.
The evaluation are divide into two
methods and will be explained in details which are:
a. Heuristics evaluation
b. Questionnaires
A) Heuristics evaluation
In this report,
Jacob Nielsen heuristics evaluation is used to evaluate the interface of E-Kiosk
machine. Even though it has 10 principles, only 6 out of them had been chose to
explain because the six principles is suitable for evaluation process.
Visibility of system status
The system should always keep users informed
about what is going on through appropriate feedback within reasonable time.
In this task, the user
should know what is going when they explore or discover the e-kiosk machine.
These figures show that the icons used has a symbol and alternate text. By
putting this kind on elements in the e-kiosk machine, it can influence the user
or the viewer in term of understanding the interfaces.
Figure 2.3.1: Instruction of icon
3.0.3 show that the random respondent and most of the respondents come from
Malay race and followed by Chinese and Indian race. However, the other races
are not involved to answer the questionnaire.
Match between system and the real world
The system should speak the users'
language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than
system oriented terms. Follow real world conventions, making information appear
in a natural and logical order. In the real world, people will come from any
place and any background, so it must be various languages.
There are several languages that provided in e-kiosk
machine which are English and Bahasa Melayu only. Within these two languages,
the interface is easier to understand by the user. Generally, the user can
choose whether they want to use Bahasa Melayu instead of English language. It
is because English is a second language that use in the global world and it is easy
to understand and used by all people around the world. With the two languages in
e-kiosk machine, user can use it without any disruptions. This figure will show
the language that provided in this e-kiosk machine.
2.3.2: Two languages
which is Bahasa Melayu and English in the E-kiosk machine
User control and freedom
Users often choose system functions by
mistake and will need a clearly marked "emergency exit" to leave the
unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue. Support undo
and redo.
For this kind of machine, it provide a few navigations. As
an example, there are navigation tabs which indicate the floor directory which
are Level G, Level 1 and Level 2. Basically, a user will make a mistake while discovering
the interface such as navigating to the different level. By providing the
freedom concept, the user can go to anywhere he or she want such as navigating
to any level he or she want as long as the directions is accurate and according
to their wants. Learning about the human error or mistakes is an important
thing in heuristic evaluation.
2.3.3: Every legends explain
their navigations
Consistency and standards
Users should not have to wonder whether
different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform
For e-kiosk machine, the interface and the layout is
consistent and maintain also remain same for all pages when the user navigates.
The entire tabs such as Level G, Level 1 and Level in term of directions have their
own functionality. For example those color of tabs are gray and remain same for
every pages when the user navigate it.
Figure 2.3.4: The locations of buttons remain same
Recognition than recall
the user’s memory load by making objects, actions and options visible. The user
should not have to remember information from one part of dialogue to another.
Instructions for user of the system should be visible or easily retrievable
whenever appropriate.
example in E-kiosk machine, the recognition and recall elements are applied in
the interface. As the user see the Level G tabs, the user already know they
will go to the ground level page. Besides, if the user want to go another level
such as Level 1 or Level 2, they already know the function of those tabs which
located top of the interface.
Figure 2.3.5: The function of tabs
Aesthetics and Minimalist Design
should not contain information which is irrelevant or rarely needed. Every
extra unit of information in a dialogue competes with the relevant units of
information and diminishes their relative visibility.
this aspects, the e-kiosk machine will be measured in term of complexity of the
interfaces and tested whether the interface is easily understand and used by
the user. For instance is the users are not confused about the e-kiosk machine interface
when they use for the first time.
Figure 2.3.6: The minimal design applied in the interface
For the surveys that being implemented, there
are 30 random peoples have been chose to answer the questionnaires. The
questionnaire is quite simple including the tick (X) in the box and generally
the questionnaire are based on the e-kiosk machine. The purpose of the
questionnaires is to collect the data input made by the user.
B) Questionnaires
In this report, questionnaire is used to
evaluate the functionality and the effectiveness of e-kiosk machine. It
contains 20 questions to answer it which are require the users tick based on
their satisfaction towards the machine. After setting up the questionnaire,
they will distribute to the people. Thus, this is the final analysis from those
questions that has been answered by respondents.
3.0.1 shows the total respondents according to their age. Mostly the
respondents come from which age from 21 to 30. They come from adult group
including the single and married people. In this stage of the year, they tend
to go for a shopping a lot and sometimes a few of them make shopping as their
hobbies. However, there are a few number of respondent which is 2 only from
year 13 to 20 years old. It is because this stage of year, they do not have a
lot of money instead some of them are still study in primary and secondary
school. In addition, they also are under parental control and they depends on
the monthly expenses that being given by their parents or guardians. After
that, the people who is 31 to 40 years old is 5 only and it can be conclude
that they tend to focus on their work and do not have time to go for shopping.
3.0.2 indicates that the total respondents for answering the questionnaires. In
general, the majorities of respondent are female which 24 out from 30
respondents are. While the rest are male which is 6 only. It can be said that
majority of the people who like to go for shopping comes from female group.
3.0.4 show that random respondents were local people which is Malaysian since
Mydin is a shopping mall that familiar with those people.
As the data stated above, it shows that
most of the respondents are non- government. The rest are who work under
government. It can be said that those people who works in no – government are
more likely to go for shopping than people who works under government.
As the data stated above, it shows that
most of the respondents are not shopping daily at Mydin. It is because they
prefer to buy the groceries at the other shops and it can assumed that they
prefer to buy those things at shop near their house. Besides, they are too busy
in workdays and only have a time in the weekend to do shopping those items at
Mydin shopping mall.
Figure 3.0.7 shows that the majority of
respondents choose to shop monthly. Commonly, those respondents will get the
monthly salary and go for shopping at the end of month. Besides, those
respondents who choose shopping twice a month also make a good decision. They
tend to go for shopping if any sales or promotions of the less price product.
Besides, only 1 respondent answer daily for shopping at Mydin while 5 person
only choose to shop at Mydin for twice a week. They occasionally go for
shopping based on the day they get their salary. Sometimes a few of them will
get the salary twice a month and it all depends.
Figure 3.0.8 shows that most of the
respondents would like to spend their time for shopping at Mydin for 30 minutes
and above. 30 minutes to 1 hour is ideal time for shopping and they also add do
not spend too much time on shopping because the time is precious and do not
waste it. The people who choose less than 30 minutes is more to quick shopping.
They tend to buy important goods only instead of other items. Too much spend
time for shopping which is 2 hours and more are chose by 3 person only. It
shows that not all people will go for shopping in a short time instead a longer
time is needed to buy a lot of items at the mall.
Figure 3.0.9 shows that most of the
respondents tend to go straight away to shop in the mall. There are 22
respondents answer no for spending time on using the e-kiosk machine. They
would like to go around all the shops in the mall and rather than using a few
minutes for e-kiosk machine. The rest which is 8 person only who prefer to use
the e-kiosk machine before they go for shopping.
Figure 3.1.0 shows that respondents tend
to go for shopping in term of buying foods and beverages. It is because the
price of food such as fish, meats and so on is reasonable and cheaper than the
other shops out there. Nowadays, people tend to go shop at shopping mall
because they can get a reasonable price when buying those items. After that,
shopping foods and beverages followed by clothes store. Clothes store also
contribute to shopping mall economy. The reason is those people tend to buy
clothes with reasonable price at certain shopping mall. The rest are only a few
choose to go for shopping at watch store and stationary store.
Figure 3.1.1 shows that respondents vote
good in term of understanding the legends in the e-kiosk machine’s interface.
Then, it followed by moderate which is 13 person vote it. The rest choose
excellent because the legends and icons give clear meaning and alternate text.
Figure 3.1.2 shows that majority chose
good by evaluating the navigation of the interface in e-kiosk machine. The
navigations and instructions in the e-kiosk machine are clear enough and easy
to understand and make the user feel free to discover the Mydin mall with the
e-kiosk machine. Then, it followed by moderate which is chose by 10 person and
the rest is 5 for excellent rating.
Figure 3.1.3 shows that majority chose
good by evaluating the interface because it is quite attractive. Then it
followed by second which is moderate and the third is poor design of the
interfaces and lastly only one chose bad interface and judge that interface is
not interesting and attractive enough.
Figure 3.1.4 indicates that highest
number of respondents which is 13 choose good for the contents in e-kiosk
machine and followed by 12 persons who chose moderate for the contents of the
e-kiosk and the rest are chose excellent which is 3 persons and bad contents is
2 persons only.
Figure 3.1.5 indicates that highest
number of respondents which is 13 choose good for the contents in e-kiosk
machine and followed by 12 persons who chose moderate for the contents. The
contents in the e-kiosk machine is clear and compact enough to show to the
users and viewers.
Figure 3.1.6 indicates that familiarity
of the user who is using the e-kiosk machine at Mydin Meru mall. Based on the
pie chart above, the majority are voting good because they already familiar
with the interface of the e-kiosk machine.
Figure 3.1.7 illustrates that most of
the respondent choose no because they tend to discover the interface straight forward in the e-kiosk
machine by themselves without reading the tutorials and manuals provided. The
rest just read the tutorials and instructions before use the e-kiosk.
Figure 3.1.8 illustrates that most of
the respondent choose yes instead of no. The reason is because they find that
using the e-kiosk machine is effective and helpful to the users. The instructions
provided are clear enough and make the user easy to understand.
Figure 3.1.9 indicates that most of the respondents would like to choose
yes because the instructions given and manuals are easy to understand by the
user. Besides, the icons and maps in term of design are familiar with the user
Figure 3.2.0 indicates that total
responses from random respondents. It can be said that the highest number of
respondents choose very satisfactory for the features provided by e-kiosk
machine and follower by about average also superior in term of rating.
As a conclusion, e-kiosk machine is
helpful device in our daily life at shopping mall. By refer to the e-kiosk
machine, the user will know all the legends in term of shops which are
available in the Mydin Meru shopping mall. With the good interface in term of
design, it can attract more user and visitor to view it before they go for
shopping. Furthermore, using e-kiosk can save a little bit of time for the user
before they go for shopping. It is because by referring to the e-kiosk, they
could know the locations of the shops and where they are. Hence, they just go
the shops directly and could save their time.
J. (1994). Heuristic evaluation. In Nielsen, J., and Mack, R.L. (Eds.),
Usability Inspection Methods. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.
J. (1995) How to Conduct a Heuristic
Evaluation [online]. Available from
: [Accessed 15 October 2014].
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